Prayer Walk Instructions:
for 40 Days of Prayer
1. Read the Bible passage listed for today.  
 Each day we will give you a short Bible passage to read.
2.  Read the short prayer guide for today.
  The guide will inspire you to consider and apply the Bible passage into your own life.
3. Go on a Prayer Walk with Jesus. 
Unplug. Seriously, turn your phone off. This is an opportunity for you to get alone and walk with God.   It really doesn’t matter if you walk one block or one mile. Just go for a walk and talk to Jesus about what you just read and how it applies to your life. You are going to be blown away at how exciting, how intimate prayer can be.  Enjoy!

Share your story with us!

We have been blessed to walk with you on this journey. We’d love to hear how Jesus used the 40 Day Prayer Walk in your life! If you have been blessed, please take a moment to let us know.
Drop us a line at

All for Jesus, Pastor David

~ Day 40 ~
April 15th
Read Luke 24:1-12

“‘Why do you look for the living among the dead?
He is not here; he has risen!
Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee:
‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners,
be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ”
Luke 24:5-7 NIV


He has risen! The resurrection of Jesus Christ was, and will remain, the most astounding event in the history of mankind. It is the cornerstone of our Christian faith, and represents the culmination of God’s supernatural plan to redeem sinners and reconcile them to Himself for eternity.

Just three days prior to this pivotal event, Jesus bore God’s wrath for our sins on the cross in the most remarkable act of sacrificial love known to man. His suffering and death paid the debt for our sins, to be wiped out and remembered no more. The resurrection of Jesus displayed His conquering power over sin and death. It proves that He has power to restore life, our life, and it promises that one day, we too will rise and be with Him, face-to-face.

Three days after Jesus’ crucifixion, certain women, including Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary, the mother of James, went to the tomb where Jesus lay to anoint His body for burial. When they arrived, they found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. As they stood in disbelief, two angels approached them and reminded them of Jesus’ promises – that “‘the Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’” The women remembered (Luke 9:22 ), and left to share the Good News. They believed.

The moment we believe, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead becomes alive in us! Ponder that! The Holy Spirit indwelling in us has the power to raise us from death to life. He, living in us, equips us to overcome temptation, endure trials, walk in joy, live in hope, minister to others, and to embrace the freedom Jesus purchased for us on the cross.

The resurrection proves that Jesus is who He said He is… God with us.

Prayer Walk:

Great job! You have made it to your 40th walk with Jesus this Easter season! No better way to conclude your 40 Day Prayer Walk than to praise Jesus for everything He accomplished on the cross and by His glorious resurrection.

Rejoice in His resurrection! Allow His death to wash you of sin and impart His perfect righteousness to you. Worship Him knowing that your new life is secure in the resurrected Christ. Know that your Redeemer lives! Now walk with Him in the power of His resurrected life. Start fresh today – begin anew and allow His abundant love and resurrection power to permeate your life! Embrace your call to live for Jesus. Tell the dead, Jesus lives! And watch Him bring people to life!

~ Day 39 ~
April 15th
Read Exodus 33:12-17
“My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.”
Exodus 33:14 NIV

Yesterday morning, as I embarked on my prayer walk, I saw my neighbor sitting on a ledge with his grandson, Jackson. Jackson, who is about 2 years old, was perched on his granddad’s shoulders with a look of awe, contentment and childlike delight. Feeling safe and secure in the presence of his grandpa, there was nothing to fear. His grandpa’s countenance was one of inexpressible joy knowing his precious grandchild was in his care. Together, with no audible words spoken, they were at rest.

This is the intimacy Moses shared with God.

As we learned way back on day 3 of our prayer walk, (Exodus 33:11), Moses was in awe of God, wanted to know Him intimately, humbly served Him and sought His presence above all else. Although God had commissioned Moses with a tremendous responsibility, to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, Moses took great comfort knowing God’s presence would guide the way. God wanted to be with them! This was evidenced by “day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light….” (Exodus 13:21).

We have a living God that desires to be in relationship with us. Staggering. God desires this so much that He gave His only Son for us on this “Good Friday”. More staggering. Jesus paid the price of our redemption because He wants us to “do” life with Him. He longs to provide us with direction, comfort and rest, with a firm knowledge that He will never leave us or forsake us. When we stumble and fall, He is there to forgive and restore. His presence is life itself. His presence is fullness of joy. His sovereign presence is a cup of water that never runs dry.

Just as Jackson did not want to journey outdoors without his grandpa, Moses could not envision the journey without God. In God’s presence, Moses found rest. May we do the same.
Prayer Walk:
Are you at rest? As you venture out with God today, ask yourself: Do I know why Jesus chose to die on the cross for me? Am I seeking to be with God? Do I seek His presence or only His blessings? Am I content with His presence? Am I doing life with Him?

Because of what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross today, we have the privilege of being in the presence of God! Spend this time with God. Rest in Jesus’ final work, rest in His presence.

~ Day 38 ~
April 14th
Read Exodus 33:12-17
“My presence will go with you and I will give you rest.”
Exodus 33:14 NIV 

Yesterday morning, as I embarked on my prayer walk, I saw my neighbor sitting on a ledge with his grandson, Jackson. Jackson, who is about 2 years old, was perched on his granddad’s shoulders with a look of awe, contentment and childlike delight. Feeling safe and secure in the presence of his grandpa, there was nothing to fear. His grandpa’s countenance was one of inexpressible joy knowing his precious grandchild was in his care. Together, with no audible words spoken, they were at rest.

This is the intimacy Moses shared with God.

As we learned way back on day 3 of our prayer walk, (Exodus 33:11), Moses was in awe of God, wanted to know Him intimately, humbly served Him and sought His presence above all else. Although God had commissioned Moses with a tremendous responsibility, to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land, Moses took great comfort knowing God’s presence would guide the way. God wanted to be with them! This was evidenced by “day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light….” (Exodus 13:21).

We have a living God that desires to be in relationship with us. Staggering. God desires this so much that He gave His only Son for us on this “Good Friday”. More staggering. Jesus paid the price of our redemption because He wants us to “do” life with Him. He longs to provide us with direction, comfort and rest, with a firm knowledge that He will never leave us or forsake us. When we stumble and fall, He is there to forgive and restore. His presence is life itself. His presence is fullness of joy. His sovereign presence is a cup of water that never runs dry.

Just as Jackson did not want to journey outdoors without his grandpa, Moses could not envision the journey without God. In God’s presence, Moses found rest. May we do the same.

Prayer Walk:

Are you at rest? As you venture out with God today, ask yourself: Do I know why Jesus chose to die on the cross for me? Am I seeking to be with God? Do I seek His presence or only His blessings? Am I content with His presence? Am I doing life with Him?

Because of what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross today, we have the privilege of being in the presence of God! Spend this time with God. Rest in Jesus’ final work, rest in His presence.

~ Day 37 ~
April 13th
Read 2 Corinthians 5:16-21
God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ,
not counting people’s sins against them.
And He has committed to us this message of reconciliation.
2 Corinthians 5:19
The Bible here calls us ambassadors for Christ (5:20). An ambassador is a diplomat of highest authority called to represent someone or something. An ambassador stands in the place of the king (or government of his country), and his actions, character, and words embody the king who is not present.

Astonishingly, God has called us His ambassadors. This is not a part-time calling to be dabbled in, it is who we are, it is our calling in life. In Jesus, our life ceases to be our own. Everything we say and do nowrepresentsthe King Himself.

What is God calling you to in your marriage?
To be an ambassador of Jesus.
What is God calling you to as a parent?
To be an ambassador of Jesus.
What is your role in The Mission Church?
To be an ambassador of Jesus.
What is God calling you to regarding your friends and neighbors?
To be an ambassadorof Jesus.
What is God calling you to at work?
To be an ambassador of Jesus.
There is no higher calling. There is no greater role. You are a manifestation of Jesus in the world. What a tremendous honor.

Prayer Walk:

For an ambassador to be effective, the King’s will must become his own will. If the Ambassador does not value the King’s heart and mind he will not be effective in his role, nor will he desire to live in that role. If the ambassador longs to be his own king he will eventually betray the real king. As you walk in prayer today, recognize that there is a huge war going on in your heart. If you are willing, forgo your little kingdom so that you may embrace the highest office one could ever hold. God wants to use you as His representative, as His ambassador. Ask Jesus to re-direct your focus and change the way you see yourself. Now in faith step out and live as an ambassador of Jesus! Proclaim the message from theKing: “Be ye reconciled to God!”

~ Day 36 ~
April 12th
Read Philippians 2:1-11
And being found in human form, He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the
point of death, even death on a cross.”
Philippians 2:8 ESV
When you consider the word humility, what characteristic or person comes to mind? Humility, is frequently defined falsely as “thinking modestly about one’s self”. The truth is, real humility is: thinking about others, not self. As Christians, we know the ultimate example of humility and sacrificial love is Jesus, who humbled himself to serve others, even to the point of death on the cross. How often, though, do we seek the mind of Christ and honestly value humility in our own lives?

God loves humility. God Himself is humble. The Gospels beautifully depict the humility of Jesus in His character, words, actions and selfless heart. Beginning with His birth in a manger to His Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem on a donkey, His life on earth was exemplified as One who came to serve, and “to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45).

At the Last Supper, knowing what death He was about to endure, Jesus rose from the table, girded Himself with a towel, poured water into a basin, and washed the disciples feet. Given that foot-washing was a task delegated to the lowest-ranking slaves, the disciples were shocked, yet Jesus performed this action with love and without hesitation. When He finished, Jesus said to them “Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am. If I, then, the Lord and the teacher washed your feet, you also ought to wash another’s feet…. If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.” (John 13:12-17).
Prayer Walk:

On your prayer walk today, consider the many examples, promises and instructions Jesus provided for us about humility in the Bible. Then, take an honest assessment of your life and character. Do you think of others first, or self first? Are you seeking to get ahead, no matter what the cost may be to others? Do you edify others or edify self? Do you value the praise of men more than the praise of God? Are you quick to correct others, yet slow to examine the log in your eye?
Ask Jesus for eyes to see and ears to hear what He wants to reveal to you on the subject at hand. If correction is needed, bathe in His lavish grace. Then, allow Him to set your feet on a firm foundation and illuminate the path of humility to take.
“When a man is sincerely humble, and ventures not to grasp the praise of men,
there is scarcely any limit to what God will do for him. Humility makes us ready to be
blessed by the God of all grace, and fits us to deal efficiently with our fellow men.”
C.H. Spurgeon
~ Day 35 ~
April 11th
Read John 13:31-38
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you.
John 13:34
When Jesus said these words, He knew His murder, His crucifixion was less than 48 hours away. He knew his friend Judas had gone into darkness to betray him, He knew that even His closest friends, His disciples would deny Him and hide to save their own skins. Nevertheless, Jesus continued to love them.

Jesus showed us what real love is and what real love does. He then went on to tell His followers how to relate to each other after He was gone. “Love one another, as I have loved you.” Jesus did not focus on the feeling of love, but on the decision to love. Love is first a decision, not an emotion.

We only need to look to Jesus to understand true love. Jesus was willing to completely deny Himself, and as we walk with Him, through His Spirit we find the power to love sacrificially too. This is the love that the world needs so desperately. Loving this way will transform your life and your world.
Prayer Walk:

Jesus says that when we love as He has loved us, we will become a powerful attraction for people who do not know Jesus. Don’t you want to be used in that way? Don’t you want to love like that? Then reflect on His love
for you! Oh, how powerfully He demonstrates His love to us when on the cross, He says to His betrayers, “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they do.”

As you walk today consider how He laid down His life for you on the cross, how He continues to freely forgive your daily sins against Him with endless mercy, joy and grace. Remember how He keeps no record of wrong against you. Remember how He is for you. In fact, He stands right now interceding to God on your behalf (Heb 7:25).

Here is the sum of the matter: Our ability to love others well hinges entirely upon our ongoing reception of His love. The whole enchilada hangs on five powerful words, “as I have loved you.” Rejoice! You are His beloved.
Receive His life-giving love! Now go love others, even those who wrong you, with His great love flowing out of you.
~ Day 34 ~
April 10th
Read Matthew 25:14-20
“Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will
make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.”
Matthew 25:21
As believers in Christ Jesus, we have been entrusted with many things for the glory of God, the most important of which is the Good News of the Gospel. We have also been given, through the Holy Spirit, gifts, unique to each one of us, to bear fruit for His kingdom. What a mighty privilege this is! In fact, just the thought that God has entrusted something to us should cause us to step back in humble adoration. What
a good God!

However, if we do not know God and seek Him above all else, we will not highly esteem the treasures He has bestowed upon us. What we do not value, will not be shared. On both sides (faithfulness and unfaithfulness) there are eternal consequences.

In Matthew 25, Jesus teaches on the parable of the talents. Here, we learn that a Master (Jesus) is preparing to go on a journey and entrusts His possessions (talents) to three of His servants. The first servant was given five talents; the second, given two; and the third, given one. The first servant took the five talents,
traded them and gained five more, and the second servant, given two talents, gained two more. The third servant took the one talent, dug a hole, buried it and hid the Master’s money. Upon His return, the Master, praised them both for their wise and fruitful stewardship: “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been
faithful over a little; I will set you over much.” Both the first and second servants received the same reward. They were rewarded for their faithfulness. Upon learning that the third servant buried the talent entrusted to him and was not a faithful steward, the Master took away the talent and gave it to the servant with ten.

Although a complete discussion of this parable is beyond the scope of a prayer walk, the key is this. One day, we, as believers, will stand before the judgment throne of Jesus to account for what we have done (or not done) with that entrusted to us by God Almighty. Our faithfulness on earth will be rewarded and determines
our responsibilities in Heaven. When we seek God above all else, we faithfully steward the resources He has given us. We highly regard that which He has entrusted to us out of love, because we love and know the One for whom we serve.

“The only things we can keep are the things we freely give to God. What we try to
keep for ourselves is just what we are sure to lose.” C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
Prayer Walk:

As you step out on your prayer walk today, think about that which God has entrusted to you and ask Him to show you where you can be a faithful steward and bear fruit for His kingdom. This might include being a faithful steward over your time, your finances and the gifts given to you by the Holy Spirit.
With Easter approaching, pray that He provides opportunities for you to share the Good News of the Gospel with others, and step out in faith as ambassadors for Jesus. When we live to glorify Jesus and to make disciples we embrace our highest calling. Reaffirm your desire to share the Good News of the cross and ask the Lord your God to give you the Words that others might hear.
~ Day 34 ~
April 9th
Read Habukkuk 3:17-19
Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines…
…yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.
Habakkuk 3:17 & 18 (NIV)
Habakkuk was feeling “down in the valley”. The prophet wanted revival for his people. He was wrestling with God’s will. He never understood how a holy God could use a wicked nation to chasten Judah. “Why God are You not doing something?” Habakkuk is having a question and answer time with the Lord! After some time he climbs higher and is standing on the watchtower, waiting for God to reply. What we see is that Habakkuk is teachable, he is actively watching. He knows his thinking may need correction and he is willing to be instructed so, he seeks God’s counsel. God answers with news that is hard to hear, “difficult timesare coming because of the sins of My people.”

Habakkuk then starts to pray, to praise His God and to worship. He knows judgment is coming but He asks the Lord to be merciful in it. Habakkuk knows God’s heart is tender for His people and he calls upon the merciful nature of his God. He knows that God will again restore Israel.
Habakkuk’s countenance changes after hearing God’s word. The fig tree still did not blossom, and there was no “fruit” on the vines. His circumstances had not changed, but he had, and now he was walking by faith and not by sight. No longer was he living in the hard circumstances he faced, he was now living in the awareness of the goodness of God. In other words, by faith Habakkuk was living the presence of God.
This is one reason the Lord permits us to go through trials. Like with Habakkuk, trials draw us near to God, they lift our eyes above our temporal circumstances so we can walk on the heights with Him. But how do we do this?

• We determine to be led by God’s Word alone. We bathe in His grace and mercy.
• We focus not on our temporary circumstances but upon the person of God. He is a good Father. His plan for us is grand!
• By faith we stand firm in our post. It is so easy to run, to quit, to backslide. By faith we stand our post knowing that “the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Rom 8:18
• Above all – we need to remain teachable when corrected. In doing so we grow wise and we no longer fall back to old, destructive habits.

Prayer Walk:

As you go on your Prayer Walk today, think about how those four points above are relate to you right now. As you pray be like Habakkuk who stayed humble and did not accuse God. He came to God to listen and to learn. Call upon Jesus and He will enable you to walk by faith, to stand firm, to hold your
post, and to not quit. As with Habakkuk, Jesus desires that we draw near to Him as we wait for answers. The just shall LIVE by faith! Hab 2:4
~ Day 33 ~
April 8th
Read Mark 14:1-9
“Let her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a good work for Me.”
Mark 14:6
In this passage, as the Passover was drawing near, we learn that Jesus is at the home of Simon the leper for a meal. The disciples were present, as was Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus (whom Jesus had just raised from the grave). As Jesus is reclining at the table, Mary, in a selfless act of sincere devotion, opened a
bottle of very costly perfume and poured it over Jesus. While the response of the disciples was to criticize Mary’s sacrifice on the basis that she wasted this expensive oil, Jesus knew that her actions were out of genuine love and lavish worship. She may not have known that Jesus’ crucifixion was imminent, yet her
heart was clearly moved by God and her worship glorified the Lord.
How, then, do we worship Jesus? When we consider Mary’s actions, together with the countless references about worship throughout Scripture, we realize that worship comes from the heart. Mary was in awe of Jesus. Mary was so thankful that Jesus raised her brother to life after being 4 days in the grave. Mary was in love because she had never experienced such love as she had from Jesus. Worship is not an act of service or a “work” we perform, rather, it is a selfless act of adoration, devotion, humility, gratitude and sincere love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Worship is our response to Jesus’ great love for us.

There is a time for us to engage in our ministry using the gifts imparted to us by the Holy Spirit. And, when our eyes are on the Lord, our service for His kingdom is performed in a spirit of fervent love and devotion this too is worship! Let us step back and consider that the highest priority is not “doing” more for Jesus; rather, it is
giving Him our heart in lavish worship.

“The very glory of it lay in the spontaneous suggestion of her own heart that she
must do a something which should be all for Jesus.” Charles H. Spurgeon
Prayer Walk:
Do you worship Jesus? Today, on your prayer walk, think about the last time you allowed yourself to spontaneously and recklessly abandon yourself to the Lord in a spirit of worship and gratitude. Did you reach your hands to the sky during the worship music at church on Sunday? Worshipers are without consideration whether someone else is watching. Maybe you sang a joyful noise to the Lord on your prayer walk because He has set you free? Worship Him! And know that your act of sincere devotion touches the heart of Jesus and glorifies God! What could be better?
~ Day 32 ~
April 7th
Read Romans 7:15-8:1
What I am doing, I do not understand.
For what I want to do, that I do not do,
but what I hate doing, that I do.
Romans 7:15
This passage provides a vivid description of the “inner conflict” between our flesh that wages against our redeemed, born again soul that desires to live a righteous,  godly life. “For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.” (Romans 7:19-20). “O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:24).
I know that anguish all too well. When we are in Christ and seeking to live righteously, we still fall into sin. For me, this is daily! It is certainly not a conscious choice, but it happens. A lot. Even though we are redeemed our “humanness” causes us to make bad decisions, to give into temptation and engage in sin. So, we try even harder! But no matter how hard we try we still fail. Frequently. If the story ended here we’d all be doomed.
“O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?
Jesus Christ our Lord! Oh, I think God for Him!”

On my own there was no hope whatsoever. But thanks be to God he has not left us alone. Jesus has already done the work of living a perfect and righteousness life on our behalf. Not only that, He has also taken the punishment of our sins upon His own back. Now, He promises to remember our sin no more!
Prayer Walk:

Are you weary of falling into sin Christian? Are you burdened that you have
repeated that same exact sin countless times? Take a load off those prideful
feet and bathe yourself in the grace of Jesus. God looks at you with no
condemnation for your sin! Jesus cleanses you from it all!
God knows your frame, He knows that you are made of dust and that you are
utterly sinful apart from Him. Instead of having prideful feet (feet that think
they are so good they should not stumble anymore) just simply rejoice that
there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. You are free from
sin. It’s time to filled with gratitude and appreciation. Go on a prayer walk of
total gratitude. Thank God for the rich freedom you have in Jesus. Every day
He cleanses you and washes you white as snow. Rejoice! There is therefore,
no condemnation, to those who are in Christ Jesus.
~ Day 31 ~
April 6th
Read John 14:23-27
“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world
gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
John 14:27
In this world where anxiety runs high and chaos is rampant, the need for peace is great. Peace – it is a simple concept and a priceless treasure. The Hebrew word for peace is shalom, and means wholeness or completeness – to be sound. We all strive for this state of being, and in the world, there are countless products on the market that promise to bring us peace. The reality, however, is that apart from the peace of Christ, nothing can satisfy. Although many reach out for temporary fixes, these are a counterfeit of His peace. Nothing can compare with the peace of Christ that transcends understanding. God’s peace is not dependent on external circumstances, and it never wavers.

Many things may needlessly separate us from His perfect peace, including busyness, broken relationships, financial difficulties, perfectionism, people pleasing, lust, pride, a desire to control, and, simply taking our eyes off Christ. When we indulge in sinful behavior or allow difficult circumstances to overshadow our confidence and victory in Christ, we become “self-sufficient,” and anxiety, worry and
fear can rule our lives. In a sense, we allow our problems to become larger than our God, and we no longer trust His path or provision. Result? We willing let go of His peace.

The Good News? We have a readily-available Savior that never, ever fails. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Because we are justified by in His accomplishments and not our own, we have a lasting and steadfast peace with God through faith in Jesus. No matter how difficult things might be, our Prince of Peace gives us hope and confidence, knowing that the battle has already been won.
Prayer Walk:

If your circumstances are pressing in on you and peace in your life is a distant reality, step back and pray for Jesus to fill you with His peace. Ask Him to empower you with His strength to overcome doubt, anxiety and fear, and when you find yourself wavering, simply reaffirm your trust in God Almighty.
This is not a one-time action but an ongoing process. Keep at it, and claim His victory. Nothing can defeat those who are in Christ Jesus, and nothing can separate us from His love! Pray God’s Word which tells us to be “anxious for nothing,” and encourages us to meditate not on our problems but on those things which are good, pure, and of good report. With gratitude and thanksgiving, reaffirm your trust in God Almighty, hold on to His promises, and experience His peace.

“You will keep in perfect peace,
him whose mind is set on You,
because he trusts in You.”
Isaiah 26:3.
~ Day 30 ~
April 5th
Read 143:6-12
Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning.
For in You do I trust;
Cause me to know the way in which I should walk,
For I lift up my soul to You.
Psalm 143:8
At times do we not all get caught up with the hurry of life, with the unrest of our spirits, that we miss those kind words God wants to say to us? The Holy Spirit is that still small voice that wants to impart to our hearts direction and instruction from our heavenly Father. The psalmist knows he is not hearing. He begs, “Lord do not only speak kindly to me, but cause me to hear it. The psalmist is pleading to God “I want to understand your love and your path for me.”’

It is when we go back to trusting in ourselves that God’s voice is drowned out. But as we give our ears to hear Him, He causes us to know the way in which we should walk. As we “lift up our souls” to Jesus, He will lead and guide us according to His will. We then can step out and obey what He says, in faith, trusting His direction and experiencing His lovingkindness.
Prayer Walk: 
Like the psalmist, put your trust in God and beg Him to give you ears to hear His lovingkindess toward you. As you walk give Him your undivided attention. Know that His desire is for you. You can trust Him to lead and guide you into all truth. He will do it. He will show you the right way in which you should walk. As you walk pray: “Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness O Lord. Cause me to know the way in which I should walk. In You do I trust. I lift up my soul to You.”
~ Day 29 ~
April 4th
Read John 15:3-11

As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.
John 15:9


In John Chapter 15, Jesus paints a beautiful picture of the relationship of believers to Himself: “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” As a child of God, we have the incredible privilege of having a living relationship with Christ, just as Jesus had with His Father. If we abide in Him, and meditate on His Word, we glorify God and bear fruit for His kingdom. Conversely, when we drift from our relationship with Jesus, our hearts become hardened and sin separates us from God. In essence, we fail to take advantage of everything Jesus accomplished for us on the Cross.

Abiding is defined as “continuing without change; enduring; steadfast.” What, then, does it mean to abide in Christ? Abiding is about trust, relationship and obedience. On a practical level, this means having a oneness with the Lord, similar to that which He had with the Father. Abiding encompasses an intimacy with Jesus to the level that we bring Him into our “everyday, everything,” even into those mundane moments and miniscule decisions. Abiding means meditating on Scripture to carryout God’s will in our actions, thoughts and actions. Abiding involves asking the Father to be a part of our lives; to share our joys; to bear our burdens; to comfort our hearts; to calm our fears. When we abide in Christ, we allow Him to transform and renew our minds so that His character becomes one with ours.

As this relationship evolves, we demonstrate our love for Jesus by our obedience to His Word and our desire to do His will. “If you keep My commandments, you will abide in my love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.” We bear fruit through this relationship because we are one with Jesus. We become a living sacrifice for Him and our eyes are open to the many opportunities He places before us: To share the Good News with a stranger; to love those who are difficult to love; to take time out of our day to show kindness to another, regardless of whether it is convenient with our agenda; and, to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ.

When we abide in Jesus and His Word in us, our obedience becomes the foundation of our joy, just as it was with Jesus and the Father: “These things I have spoken to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.”

Prayer walk:

Today, on your prayer walk, ask Jesus to reveal any areas where sin has separated you from a living, vibrant relationship with Him. Openly confess anything He brings to your attention, and receive His forgiveness. Remember, you are cleansed, as white as snow, by the Blood of the Lamb.

Think about ways to incorporate His Word into your daily routine. For example, listen to worship music in the car and/or meditate on a new Scripture by writing it on a note card and bringing it with you to the office. Be creative and enjoy His living presence!

As you walk throughout your day, try to incorporate Jesus into your everyday, everything – your decisions, your words, your relationships and actions. As you abide in His love and His Word, in you, you affirm your desire to do His will and experience the fullness of His joy! 


~ Day 28 ~
April 3rd
Read Mark 12:28-34
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all
your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the
second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other
commandment greater than these.
Mark 12:30-31
God Himself pursues a love relationship with you. He created you for this very purpose. If that is not right, nothing in your life will be right.
We are such a “doing” people. We feel worthless or useless if we are not busy doing something. In this passage, Jesus is saying to us, “I want you to love Me above everything else. When you are in a relationship of love with Me, you have
everything there is.” This does not mean we will never do anything as an expression of our love for Him. But it does mean that our worth is not tied to our performance. Our worth comes from God’s desire for us. God wants you. God does call us to obey Him, to do what He asks. However, we are not to be doing
something to feel fulfilled. We are fulfilled completely in our relationship with God. When we are filled with Him, what else do we need?

Our time here on earth provides the opportunity to get to know our God. It is anopportunity for Him to develop our character in His likeness. It is understanding we were created for eternity. So, enter that deep relationship with God, knowing that He
loves you so much, that He died on your behalf, and His resurrection is His total and complete expression that He loves you.
Prayer Walk:

Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day. This reveals God’s intent for man. As you go on your prayer walk, know that you have an appointment with God today. Use this time to get out of your routine. The God who loves you comes to meet you. He wants some alone time with you. Spend this time with Him and let Him deepen that relationship. As you focus on the love your Heavenly Father has for you, praise Him for His love and mercy towards you. Thank Him for all that He has done for you. Be specific. Express back to Jesus your love for Him. Take time to worship and adore Him.
Reflect on the hymn by Rhea Miller, and see all the things that compete with Jesus for your love and attention: “I’d rather have Jesus than … silver or gold…. than riches untold… than houses or lands … than men’s applause…than world-wide fame”.
~ Day 27 ~
April 2nd
Read Isaiah 55:1-3
Ho! (Halt – Stop). Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters, you who have no money come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance. Include your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live.
Halt … Stop! God wants our attention! The Lord recognizes that everyone is “thirsty”. We will either “thirst” for other things in life that the deceiver of the world brings our way, or we will “thirst” for righteousness and be filled with Jesus. This is a
design by our Designer. As it says in Revelation 3:17, we may think we are rich, wealthy and in need of nothing, but deep within there is a hunger, we we are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked without Jesus!

Are you going hard after things that do not satisfy? Do you look back and see “scars” from your choices in the past Unfortunately, with each wrong decision our heart hardens and scars. We end up with ugly baggage as we go what does not
satisfy. God tells us to halt… to stop! To quit running after power, fame, fortune, materialism, empty religion, vanity, etc., as these things will never satisfy the soul.

Instead, God calls us to come to Him, to come be with Him, to incline our ear and listen to His voice. To dine on the lavish abundance that He has waiting for us at His table. Are you empty pilgrim? Are you a stranger in this world? Hear the voice of your heavenly Father and come to Him. Don’t justify. Don’t wait. Do not dally around saying, “after I acquire this next thing I will come to Him.” Just come and come now! Acknowledge your emptiness and admit you are wretched, miserable, poor,
blind and naked without Him. Only Jesus has the words of life and He longs to fill you, satisfy you, and lead you into an abundant life in Him.
Prayer Walk:

As you go on your Prayer Walk today, keep walking but halt… stop… and reflect on what is getting your attention? Who, what, is filling your cup? What are your pouring your time, money and effort into? Are you satisfied? Do not chase hard after that which will never satisfy the way the Lord can. Ask your Savior to show you the deception of the enemy in your life. Incline your ear to God. The banquet table is set, it is overflowing with lavish abundance, come to Him and dine. Let your heart be satisfied to the full.
Only Jesus can satisfy the inner thirst in man. Call out to Him. Let Him fill your heart to overflowing, and be blessed. Now go be a blessing to others.
~ Day 26 ~
April 1st
Read Psalm 19:1-6
The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out
to all the earth. 
We don’t have to look far to recognize the magnificence of God. In fact, God’s glory is being revealed right now, it’s right in front of our face. God’s glory is seen through His creation. The sun setting in the West or rising in the East, a baby being born, dolphin playing in the surf, a hummingbird drinking from a honeysuckle flower.Through creation God is sending an invitation to us to ponder His majesty. Who is the great God that can create all these magnificent things?

Through creation God calls out to every man of every language. There is no language where His voice is not heard! God’s hope is that we would respond to this booming voice of Creation by entering into this thought, “Who are You Lord? And what would you have me to do?” This is the beginning of a relationship with
Him. When we receive all that He created for us and respond accordingly we find freedom and joy. He is our Father and He leads us to Jesus.

Some have asked, “What about those who never hear about God?” This passage (and Romans 1) reveals that there is no such person. God is speaking right now to
every man through His glorious creation. He who has an ear let him hear.

We are distracted and deceived into exchanging His invitation for a counterfeit. We are invited by other things also, money, power, position, looks, education, the list goes on. This invitation for a relationship is instead one of bondage and sorrow. We
need only to turn to Him and pray.
Prayer Walk:

As you walk today look at His creation all around you and gaze at the work of His hands. Take a moment to look at the intricacy of it all. Look closely at a single leaf and marvel at all its intricacies, scope the majesty of a mountain, look deep into the sky above, just drink it in and ponder His marvelous creation. Creation is speaking to you of God Himself. It is wooing you into a relationship with Him. God has created all of this for you to enjoy, for you to live, for you to ponder…Him.
~ Day 25 ~
march 31th
Read James 1:2-8
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many
kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let
perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking
James 1:2-4 NIV
We all have a story, a journey, …and along the way, we have experienced
sufferings, trials and tribulations. For some, the extent of the suffering endured is
tremendous. However, as we walk more closely with Christ, we find that many of
the circumstances in our lives that look as though they are going to defeat us
become sources of strength, renewed faith, and abundant joy. How can this be?
Simply stated, this is the work of our Lord Jesus, the Christ.

Here, James instructs us to count our trials and sufferings as “joy.” Such a paradox!
While the natural response to suffering is to numb ourselves, to avoid and get
through, the believer is encouraged to rejoice in the midst of the storm. Why?
Because we know that God has purposefully allowed the storm to develop His
character in us. This requires our conscious commitment to participate in that
purpose. We walk by faith and not by sight, knowing and believing that the Lord is
doing a work in us. Therefore, we lean into that good work.

These seasons of trial call for a higher level of trust in the One who is, was and is to
come. Consider the Apostle Paul who continually declared joy in his sufferings.
“Great is my confidence in you; great is my boasting on your behalf. I am filled with
comfort; I am overflowing with joy in all our affliction.” 2 Corinthians 7:4 NASB
While we may not yet have faith like Paul, we can find comfort and encouragement
in the numerous examples throughout Scripture to strengthen our faith, increase our
hope and persevere in Christ. Remember, God is transforming our life to look like
Jesus. We are His workmanship.

Prayer Walk:

As you consider the circumstances pressing in on you right now, whether
they be relationship difficulties, financial stress, an illness, unemployment, or
otherwise, open your heart to the work Jesus is doing in you. Ask the Lord to
help you see the work He wants to do in your character, in your heart, in your
person. Then lean into this good work Jesus is doing in you. Ask Him to help
you climb the mountain before you in His strength, and lay your fear, doubt
and anxiety at the foot of the Cross. Look at your situation from His
perspective. Be gentle with yourself, as Jesus is ever so gentle with you.
And, once this season passes, you will look more like Jesus!
~ Day 24 ~
march 30th

Read Matthew 16:13-17


“Who do you say that I am?”
Matthew 16:15

Have you ever pondered who Jesus is to you, personally? Have you ever stood
before a sunrise or sunset in awe or amazement that God, who created the
Heavens and earth, painted a picture in the sky to provide you with just a small
glimpse of His awesome glory? Have you looked at the multitude of stars that blaze
above us and wondered who He is? Jesus is God. The Almighty Creator. But who
do you say that He is? Is He your God?

In this fast-paced world where schedules run our lives, it’s all too easy to become
complacent and neglect His Lordship, His majesty, His sovereign power, His
gracious nature, His enduring love.

The results of failing to ponder who Jesus is are most curious. So much so that we
rarely even see the correlation of cause and effect. You see the effect of taking our
eyes off Jesus is a self-critical focus on our flaws. We beat ourselves up and make
quick judgments about where we “could” and “should” do better. As we take our
eyes off Jesus, guilt and shame creep in and we berate ourselves for not “doing”
more for Him. Yet all the while He is there unchanged: our Creator, our Redeemer,
our Sovereign, our Fountain of grace, mercy and forgiveness. Our God.

When Jesus asked His disciples, “who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter
responded, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Peter’s response was
not based upon something he was told. Rather, God had opened Peter’s heart and
revealed this knowledge to him. God became a man to save us from our sin and to
restore us back to God. Jesus is the one who provides our righteousness. When we
see who Jesus is there is only one response: We delight in Him.


Prayer Walk:

Today, on your prayer walk, ask yourself: Who is Jesus to me, personally?
Do I understand His mission for my redemption? Do I understand His desire
to forgive, heal, and cleanse my soul? Do I know who He is?

Because of who Jesus is He accomplished everything you need at the Cross
of Calvary. You are perfect in Christ. So, get in Christ. Nail your shame and
guilt to Him on the cross, praise Jesus for His incredible sacrifice, and bask
in His unfathomable love! Then, like Peter, you will answer correctly as to
who Jesus really is.

~ Day 23 ~
march 29th

Read Psalm 42:1-11

Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are your disquieted within me? Hope in God;
For I shall yet praise Him,
The help of my countenance and my God.
Psalm 42:11


David’s heart was in conflict! On the one hand, he longed for more of God. On the other hand, he found himself discouraged and sad. Why? God was taking him deeper spiritually and the refining process of dealing with the deeper issues of life was painful. He felt forsaken. His soul longed for relief. He needed to know God was there.

We can learn from David as we see him do a few things in times like these that we need to do as well. David spoke truth to God. David spoke truth to his own soul. He didn’t fake it. He also did not let his feelings of depression and discouragement lead him. Instead, He asked himself the tough questions, and then he counseled his heart by reminding himself of who God is, what God had done, and what God had promised to do. We too have liberty of access to God. We can speak openly to Him of the causes of our dejection, depression and sadness. We can bring our burdened hearts to Him.


Prayer Walk:
As you go on your Prayer Walk today, know that God can handle you bringing your honest questions to Him. God understands that part of us that thirsts for Him, the part of us that doesn’t understand why His redemption has not come to our situation. You can have a real conversation with God. Go ahead.
Secondly, as you speak truth to God be sure to also speak truth to your own soul. Don’t get real with God about your need for Him to move in your life and then sugar coat your sinful actions / behaviors. Instead of justifying yourself, turn to Jesus for justification. Confess your sin and ask Him to cleanse you, to set you on the right path.
Finally, remember who Jesus is, remember what He has done for you, and what He has promised to do. His repeated forgiveness of your sin is astonishing and undeserved as is the goodness of His grace toward you. Then be thankful and full of gratitude. Your circumstances may or may not change immediately, but your soul will be restored.
~ Day 22 ~
march 28th


Read Proverbs 4:20-27


“Guard your heart above all else,
for it determines the course of your life.”

Proverbs 4:23 NLT

In this straightforward yet profound Scripture, King Solomon instructs us to guard our hearts “above all else,” for everything we do flows from the heart. We know how to guard our hearts on a physical level: exercise, low cholesterol, healthy eating and reducing the stress in our lives. How, then, do we guard our hearts spiritually, particularly given that our hearts determine the course of our lives? Let’s first look at those things which can corrupt our hearts and distance us from God.

There are numerous ways for our hearts to become dull and hardened, all of which separate us from the most important relationship in our lives – that with the Lord Jesus Christ. For example, bitterness, unforgiveness, evil speaking, malice and pride are chief contenders against keeping a pure heart. Once we open the door to these sins, they grow like weeds and our hearts become ripe for destruction. On a worldly level, comparing our current environment with others – whether financially, materially, familial or, in any other respect which leads to coveting or envy, can tarnish our hearts. Our hearts are also affected by that which we place into our minds – the movies we watch, social media, things we read, and at times, the company we keep.

There are also more subtle temptations which can damage the condition of our hearts. For example, the seemingly “good” things that often lead to physical and spiritual exhaustion: Busyness, over- serving, trying to be everything to everyone, and, taking on responsibilities the Lord never intended for us.

To guard our hearts we must first understand that our heart was made for so much more. Our heart was made to receive God Himself. That is its primary purpose. In other words, our heart was created to know God’s great love and to respond to it. Therefore,
“give attention to my words, Incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them depart from your vision,
keep them in the midst of your heart!
Proverbs 4:20-21
Prayer Walk:

On your prayer walk, ponder God’s great love for you. Ask the Lord to reveal anything in your life that might be warring against your heart. If you identify things that need change, seek His forgiveness and enjoy His desire to cleanse and forgive you. Then draw on the power of His Holy Spirit to bring about this charge.

If you are harboring unforgiveness, pray for the Lord’s strength to forgive and to love those who might be difficult to love.

If you realize you long for different circumstances, ask the Lord to help you be content with the life He has placed before you and praise Him in gratitude.

If your schedule needs adjustment, seek His guidance in this regard and ask for His help with structuring your priorities. Keep your eyes on the Lord; seek Him with your entire heart, mind, strength and soul, and ask for His help daily in guarding your heart. And, when you least expect it, you will find your heart overflowing with His unfathomable peace and joy!


~  Day 21  ~
march 27th
Read Matthew 6:25-33
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.Matthew 6:33NKJVSeek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33 NLT
A bank statement, a day planner, a work calendar, or a serious illness often reveals our real priorities. What are your real priorities?  Misplaced priorities eventually lead to hurt and confusion in our lives, marriages, families, and churches. Jesus gave His followers a simple and conditional promise. If believers would make the Kingdom of God a priority, then they would lack for nothing in life. That’s a priceless guarantee! Unmet needs may be an indication that our priorities are out of order. Seeking God first says that we’re dependent on Him, that we’re desperate for Him, and that we’re dedicated to Him. Seeking God first reveals that we believe that God’s ways are right, that His ways are better than ours. There will be challenges in whatever ministry(path of life) God has called us to. Your ministry may be that of a Parent, Sales person, CEO, Dentist, Mentor, Friend,Teacher,etc. As we face the myriad of daily responsibilities in our day, Jesus teaches us that our life will be much better if we seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness.  Practically this simply means that we see our decisions from God’s perspective and not our own. Seeking His righteousness means that we seek to be right in His eyes, not our own.
Prayer Walk:
As you consider your life(your ministry as a Parent, Sales person, CEO, Dentist, marriage, family, church member, etc.) ask Jesus if you are you seeking His Kingdom first? Or your kingdom first?•Talk with Jesus about the decisions are you facing at this moment. Talk with Him about doing what is right in His eyes as you make that decision.•Ask Jesus to help you take His command to seek FIRST His Kingdom in every area of your life (marriage, family,business, church, recreation, etc.). Ask Him to help you take all this seriously. Then enjoy having everything you need.
~ Day 20 ~
march 26th

Read Hebrews 4:14-16

Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.

Hebrews 4:14-15


We have a tendency as humans to doubt, to fear and to focus on our inadequacies rather than God’s sufficiency. We are prone to focus on how messed up we are instead of how great Jesus is. The result is: fear, doubt, fatigue, and overall spiritual weakness. In this weakened state, we are prone to fall headlong into sin (lust, greed, selfishness, anger, self-preservation, etc.), which in turn makes us feel even worse about ourselves. Ugh!

It’s a shame that we are not enjoying the victory that is already ours in Jesus. How so? Well, we have a Great High Priest who understands our dilemma, our plight. Our text says Jesus was tempted just as we are. Jesus knows what we are going through! And since He had to endure temptation He is able to empathize with us for He understands what we are going through, not merely with head knowledge, but with personal experience. Therefore, He is a compassionate High Priest. We have a High Priest who understands, who has been tempted in all points, even the points of unbelief.

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the THRONE OF GRACE,
that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

Hebrews 4:16.


Prayer Walk:

On your Prayer Walk today visualize what a throne of grace wood look like. What would it feel like to approach a throne of grace? How marvelous would it be to bathe in the flow of His mercy and grace whenever we needed?

But “I’m not worthy, I don’t deserve it” you might say. Then prayerfully consider the words: Grace & Mercy. The definition of mercy is NOT getting the penalty you deserve. The definition of grace, on the other hand is GETTING the blessings that you do not deserve. You see we are called to come to this throne boldly, not tentatively, not reluctantly, but boldly because the price of our sin has been paid by Jesus and the work of being good and righteous has been completed by Jesus. So, on your Prayer Walk do not dawdle or meander along the way, but “come boldly unto the THRONE OF GRACE, that you may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

~ Day 19 ~
march 25th

Read Isaiah 43:18-19


Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness;
And rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:18-19 


We all experience things in our life that feel like a huge storm. We can feel battered and bruised by life situations. How do we not remember and not get angry all over again when we are reminded of the hurt of that time? We choose to believe that God loves us … and we choose to trust God. We choose to leave behind all discouragement and defeat and move on to what God has in mind for us for the future.

Staying stuck in the past can keep us from the new thing God wants to do. God wants us to stay in step with His Spirit, and as He leads us into something new, we will know it. God does not want us to worry about the future but to choose His way, and He promises to make a road in the wilderness and provide rivers in the desert. In other words, He promises to lead us and to provide for us in ways we cannot even begin to fathom.



Prayer Walk:

As you go on your Prayer Walk today, think about this: our God is always looking ahead. Our enemy always looks back at faults and failures. Our God wants us to fix our eyes on the things that are ahead because that is where He is leading us. He is always doing something new. Purposefully and intentionally give the Lord all your painful memories, your sins of the past. Choose to forgive your spouse, a family member, a friend, an enemy. Rejoice that He can make all things new! Choose to look ahead and not behind. Choose not to call to mind the hurt from the past but the bright future Jesus is leading you to. Pray to hear and know the voice of the Holy Spirit’s leading and trust God to do something new!

~ Day 18 ~
march 24th

Read Isaiah 40:27-31


“But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary, T
hey shall walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31


If by any chance you did not read Isaiah 40:27-31 and you only read the verse above you are missing out. But if you read the entire passage you will notice right away that our God never faints or gets weary. It is HE who gives power to the weak. It is HE who gives strength to those who have none. For us – we get faint – weary – and fall down. We need God. Look who the Lord is giving His power to: the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. Those who are proud and confident in their own wisdom and strength will receive no strength from God. Those who thought they were strong find themselves weak (the youths). God’s strength is reserved for those who know they are weak, who know they have no might apart from Him.

So how do we receive this strength from the Lord? We receive it as we wait on the Lord. He brings it to us as we seek Him, rely on Him, instead of our own strength.

There will be times in our life when we fly – run – walk. Maturity comes as we realize it is one step in front of the other as we wait on the Lord. One small step, one small faithful step. God never asks for more. As we take each step, in faith filled obedience, He is more faithful to lead us in the next step. This the only way to live on eagle wings… This is how He empowers us to soar above the murk and the mire, this is how we receive DIVINE strength to walk the walk, and run the race.

Prayer Walk:

Are you weary? There is no greater joy than to serve the Lord, but too often we become an overwhelmed “Martha”. As you go on your Prayer Walk today, ask the Lord Jesus to reveal any area of your life where you are depending on your own strength. If you are weary, tell Him that you have no strength, and you don’t want to continue doing life this way. As you turn your focus back onto the presence of God in your heart ask the Lord to fill you with HIS strength and you will see your weariness subside. Your way is not hidden from the Lord. He is your everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, He never faints and He does not get weary. Moreover, He loves to give you His strength! Rejoice child of God. Rejoice!

~  Day 17  ~
march 23rd
Read 2 Chronicles 16:9
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth,
to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to Him.
2 Chronicles 16:9
When we read that God’s eyes roam to and fro looking for someone who is “loyal” to Him, we can easily feel disqualified. None of us are “loyal” until we understand that “loyal” means to have a heartfelt desire to do right and to please God. Even though King David made big sinful blunders the Bible says that he was still “a man after God’s own heart”(Acts 13:22).
People who have a loyalheart truly love God even though they make mistakes, lose their tempers, or say things they should not say. They realize they still have things in the flesh to deal with, but are quick to repent and make things right with God again. This scripture does not mean we have to perform perfectly. There is much we are unaware of that the Lord will expose and root out that is displeasing to Him. The blameless heart however wants to walk in His truth and realizes his/her desperate need of His strength to do so. The Lord wants to show His strength to those who trust in Him.
Prayer Walk:
Every day we do things we wish we did not do. But we love God with all our heart. On your Prayer Walk today take time to know that He sees everything about us …. not a sorrow, trial, or temptation comes to us without His notice and loving sympathy. No one escapes those eyes! He looks at your heart and sees your desire to please Him. This pleases God. His eye is on you and He desires to fill you with His strength and wisdom in dealing with the people He has placed in your life.
Recommit yourself and your heart to Him this morning. Enjoy His grace. Pray for His words to flow through you in those difficult situations you face. Ask to have His heart for the people you find difficult to love. Ask the Holy Spirit to quieten your heart so that you can hear His still voice as He does a mighty work in and through you today. You are not alone. His eye is upon you, He is searching and looking for ways to defend you. He understands your situation, and He wants to show Himself strong on your behalf. Receive His help!
~  Day 16  ~
march 22nd
Read Isaiah 61:1-3
… to console those who mourn in Zion.
To give them beauty for ashes,
the oil of joy for mourning.
The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
That they may be called trees of righteousness,
The planting of the Lord,
that He may be glorified.
Isaiah 61:3
In this prophetic passage,we read of the ministry of Jesus. Sin had done great damage and we needed a Redeemer …. Jesus … to heal the damage that sin brings. This passage speaks of some of the effects of sin … the ashesof our broken life, mourning, the spirit of heaviness. Each of us hides pain inside. Whether it is a shameful past, a break-up, losing a loved one or bad decisions, we all have “ashes” hidden in a box. We try to cover our loss with a beautiful exterior, attempting to make what resides inside less painful than it is. Yet, to experience healing, we need to let those hidden things go. God sees our deepest parts and inmost thoughts. He wants to turn our mourning to praise and give us hope, but we can prevent this healing process from taking place if we hold on too tightly to our pain.
Prayer Walk:
As you start on your Prayer Walk today, ask Jesus to enter into your wounded heart as Redeemer, Healer, and Savior. Be willing to give your pain into the Lord’s hands so He can make beauty of your ashes. •By faith start to thank and praise Him for His faithfulness to you and let Him flood your heart with His supernatural joy. As you do this the Lord will restore you gloriously to be strong, beautiful and useful trees, planted by the Lord. Then the Lord will be glorified in your redeemed life in Him.
~  Day 15  ~
march 21st
Read Luke 18:9-14
“I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who     exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Luke 18:14
Pride is a subtle sin. It is not always easy to detect in our own lives. Jesus understood this, so He gave us a picture of what pride and humility looks like with the two characters in this parable. The Pharisee was an example of how pride behaves. The tax collector was an example of how humility behaves.
Pride refuses to admit it has a need. Not one time in the parable did the Pharisee admit he had a need. Humility on the other hand readily admits it has a need. The tax collector struck his chest and admitted he needed forgiveness as a sinner.
Pride has an “eagle eye” for otherpeople’s sins. The Pharisee said, “I thank you that I am not like those other people who are greedy, unrighteous adulterers.” Humility on the other hand sees its own sin. The tax collector declared, “God turn your wrath from me, a sinner.”
The main concern for pride is “what do other people think of me?” The Pharisee prayed about himself stating, “I fast twice a week, I give a tenth of everything I get.” Humility’s main concern is “what does God think about me?”
The above content came from:40 Days of Prayer Devotional Guide © 2014 Kentucky Baptist Convention
Prayer Walk:
It’s a downright miraculous act of God for a human to see their own pride. Thank God miracles do happen! Pride and self-righteousness are so subtle that Jesus had to use an illustrative story to help us see our own sinful pride. Since we are totally blind to our own pride, use this time on your prayer walk today to ask Jesus to open your eyes to see the pride that is in your life. It’s there. Ask Jesus to help you be honest with yourself. Ask Him to help you not justify the prideful behaviors He reveals. Ask Him to lead you to true humility. Then keep your eyes and ears open to receive what the Lord shows you. Jesus may reveal some pride in your life right away, while you are on your walk. Or He may just enjoy you talking honestly with Him about your pride and choose to reveal it later in the day / week. Either way, be listening. He who has an earlet him hear.
Remember, Jesus loves to forgive. He does not reveal our pride to condemn us, but rather, to lead us to an abundant life.
~  Day 14  ~
march 20th

Read Psalm 19:7-14

“Keep back Your servant from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me.”                                                                                  Psalms 19:13

Such was the prayer of the “man after God’s own heart.” Did holy David need to pray like this? How needful, then, must such a prayer be for us babes in grace! It is as if he said, “Keep me back, or I shall rush headlong over the precipice of sin.”

Our evil nature, like an ill-tempered horse, is apt to run away. May the grace of God put the bridle upon it, and hold it in, that it rush not into mischief. What might not the best of us do if it were not for the checks which the Lord sets upon us both in providence and in grace! The psalmist’s prayer is directed against the worst form of sin – that which is done with deliberation and willful intent. Even the holiest need to be “kept back” from the vilest transgressions. It is a solemn thing to find the apostle Paul warning saints against the most loathsome sins, 

“put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you.
Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires.
Don’t be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.”
Colossians 3:5

What! Do saints want warning against such sins as these? Yes, they do. The whitest robes, unless their purity be preserved by divine grace, will be defiled by the blackest spots.

Experienced Christian, boast not in your experience; you will trip if you look away from Jesus who is able to keep you from falling. You whose love is fervent, whose faith is constant, whose hopes are bright, say not, “We will never sin,” but rather cry, “Lead us not into temptation.” There is enough tinder in the heart of the best of men to light a fire that shall burn to the lowest hell, unless God shall quench the sparks as they fall. Who would have dreamed that righteous Lot could be found drunken, and committing uncleanness? Hazael said, “Is Thy servant a dog, that he should do this thing?” and we are very apt to use the same self-righteous question. May infinite wisdom cure us of the madness of self-confidence.

From Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening. Copyright © 1999, 2003, 2006. All rights reserved.


Prayer Walk:

As you prepare your heart for your Prayer Walk consider the honesty of King David’s conversation with God in 19:12-13. Talk to Jesus about how open and bare you present yourself to Him in prayer. Consider who we are fooling when we pray to God with superlative, flowerily language, or when we conceal our real motives with religious jargon. Does God not see?

Secondly, consider David’s high regard for God’s Word in v7-11. Meditate upon the capabilities of God’s Word that David mentions in these same verses. Example: 1) Converting the soul. 2) Making wise the simple. 3) Rejoicing the heart. 4) Enlightening the eyes. Etc. (see if you can find all 8) then talk to God about which of these qualities you desire and need the most.

Finally, enjoy your time of prayer knowing that God is well pleased that you are walking with Him!

~  Day 13  ~
Read Psalm 1:1-6

But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.”
Psalm 1:2


Psalm 1 presents two (and only two) ways to live: the way of the world or the way of the Word. Those who “walk in the way of the wicked, stand in the paths of sinners, and sit in the seat of scoffers” are simply people oriented around the world’s values. This is the wide and easy gate leading to destruction (Matthew 7:13).

“The wicked” of Psalm 1 are those who seek independence from God, those who have only a human or earthly perspective on life, those who live according to the world’s standards and not God’s. At times this way of life appears to be the way of success, acceptance, and prosperity (see Psalm 73). However, Psalm 1 helps us see things in ultimate perspective: the prosperity of the wicked is fleeting, for they are like chaff blown away by the wind.

The alternative is a life of dependent delight in divine instruction. The “righteous” recognize the poverty of the world’s wisdom and values and so orient their lives around God’s revealed Word. This is the life of faith. It leads to blessing, fruitfulness, and fellowship with God now and forever.

Verse 2 is the key verse: “but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Notice the progression: delight, then meditation. Delight is a response of the heart to the beauty and value of something or someone – in this case, to God’s Word. But meditation involves careful sustained thought – it takes work and involves the will.

Meditation allows God’s Word to penetrate our minds, hearts, and wills more deeply. Through meditation, we are “transformed by the renewal of our mind” (Romans 12:2).

From Brian Tabb, When Delight Overcomes Distraction.


Prayer Walk:

Our lives are unbelievably distracted. We are experts at multi-tasking, surfing, and skimming, but it is harder than ever to meditate. Therefore, it is more important than ever to intentionally cultivate meditation on God’s Word. Today on your prayer walk meditate on Psalm 1. Read it over and over out loud as you walk. Talk to God about the 4 paths listed in Psalm 1:1-2 (what path you are on?). Talk to God about the 3 postures mentioned, Walks, Stands, Sits (what path you are on?). Meditate on the metaphor of the tree from verse 3.

As you walk recite out loud all the other Bible verses you know and meditative on their meaning. Finally, talk to Jesus about your ongoing commitment to meditate on His Word.

~  Day 12  ~
Read Joshua 5:13-15

So He said, “No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.”  And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, “What does my Lord say to His servant?”
Joshua 5:14

When Joshua was preparing for the heat of battle he saw a human figure with sword drawn. He naturally went to the man and asked if he was for them or against them. The man, who Joshua soon discovered to be an earthly appearance of God, answered that he was not for them or against them, but instead the Captain of the Lord’s army.

This interaction with Jesus invited Joshua to come to a place of complete and total surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. How encouraging it must have been for Joshua to remember that the battle was not his responsibility but God’s! Joshua gladly bowed down and worshipped Him.

Jesus had visited Joshua in the exact way that Joshua needed. As the commander of Israel. No doubt the pressures and responsibilities of leading an army to battle were overwhelming for Joshua. Here we see Jesus reminding Joshua that the Lord Himself is the Commander of the army and that He would be leading the battle. Joshua only needed to follow Him.

Prayer Walk:

This awesome story reminds us that we are not in charge of the battle – Jesus is. Isn’t that refreshing? Ours is a place of complete surrender to our Commander. Today on your prayer walk, as you talk to Jesus about your “battles”, hand the burden and the responsibility over to Jesus. Let go of your battle plan and listen for His. Remember that Jesus is not on your team. You are on His team. The Lord came to Joshua not to help but to LEAD. He comes to you the same way. “Without Me you can do nothing” John 15:5. Jesus has the perfect battle plan.

As you walk and pray, give yourself to rest in His leading. Ask Him to guide you as you continue the good fight in this world.

Excerpts taken from 40 Days of Prayer Devotional Guide © 2014 Kentucky Baptist Convention

~ Day 11 ~
Read Matthew 5:13-14


“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned?
It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.”
Matt 5:13

Everyone has influence. As followers of Jesus we have the potential to influence others for good. Our lives, when lived for Christ, can encourage others to glorify God (Matthew 5:16). We also have the potential to influence others in a negative way (Luke 17:1-3). To influence others for Christ is to be “salt.” To influence others in negative ways is to be “salt” that has lost its purpose / flavor.

For us to be “salt” (a good influence) we must be led by Jesus and nothing else. In other words, Jesus is what moves us, not our circumstances. When we face the extremes of warm summers and cold winters, we understand the importance of a thermostat. When a room is too hot we adjust the thermostat and it works together with the air conditioner to adjust the temperature in the room. We could say that the thermostat influences the room.

We can place a thermometer in that same room and the thermometer would be influenced by the temperature of the room. If the room was warm, the thermometer would adjust to the surrounding temperature. As the salt of the earth we are called to influence for Christ not be influenced by our surroundings.

Prayer Walk:

Jesus uses salt as a metaphor to teach us how we as His Children can influence this world. On your Prayer Walk today talk with Jesus about your salt (influence for Jesus). Talk with Him about your daily life and witness. Are you more like a thermometer or a thermostat? If you do not like your answer do not beat yourself up, instead, take this opportunity to grow.

Pray that God will give you strength and wisdom to be a good influence for Him. Talk to Jesus about where you could be a good influence to others in the day that lies before you. Pray now for those people / opportunities by name and then you will be ready when you get there. Remember that you have His Spirit in you and there are so many in this world that do not. You also have Jesus, the Creator of the world wanting to use you to draw others to Himself. So rejoice! And go be the salt that influences this world for God’s glory.

Excerpts taken from 40 Days of Prayer Devotional Guide © 2014 Kentucky Baptist Convention

~  Day 10  ~

Read Matthew 5:1-12

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.                                                                  Matthew 5:9

We see so much unrest in our world even to the point of conflict. When conflict erupts, evil often wins. Sides are drawn and people are placed into two or more groups. When conflict permeates a people, when there is no peace, we see that hope gets lost, trust gets broken and lives get severely damaged for years to come. Unresolved conflict has potential to cause devastating destruction in marriages, relationships, friendships, churches, towns, and nations.

We need peace. But there is a huge difference between a peace-KEEPER and a peace-MAKER. A peacekeeper cares mainly for comfort. And since conflict is uncomfortable he avoids it at all cost. Peace-KEEPERS are shortsighted and will gladly avoid conflict at the expense of truth and real health. On the other hand, a peace-MAKER will forgo a comfort to bring in lasting health. The skilled surgeon who cuts out a cancerous tumor is a peace-MAKER (not a peacekeeper). The charlatan who tells the same ill patient, “you need not have that painful operation – just take my tonic and continue on as normal.” is a peace-KEEPER. 

Jesus teaches us that peace-MAKERS are needed. Unresolved conflict holds its captives in bondage where peace gives freedom to all. The people with the gift of being a peacemaker are not those who AVOID conflict, but rather those who bring resolution to the conflict with truth, grace, wisdom and love. These are the attributes of a peace-MAKER, and they bring reconciliation and lasting health.

We must not believe that we are a peacemaker because we avoid conflict at any cost. As long as there is evil in the world we will have conflict that is not to be avoided. Peacemakers prevail by patiently bringing light to the darkens, love where there is apathy, and grace to forgive.

Prayer Walk:

Today on your prayer walk, think about a conflict / dysfunction that you have in your life (Marriage, Kids, Job, Friends). Are you approaching it like a Peace-KEEPER or as a Peace-MAKER? Do you care more about making people happy instead of doing the right thing? Are you focusing on matters of comfort? Or do you focus on matters of real health? Be honest with Jesus (and yourself) about these things.

Now ask Jesus to identify ways for you to become a peacemaker in your home (marriage, friendships, church, career, etc.). Seek Him for wisdom and discernment on how to bring His truth, love, and grace into the conflict you’re experiencing.
~  Day 9  ~

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-9


“We don’t need to write to you about the importance of loving each other,
for God Himself has taught you to love one another.”
1 Thessalonians 4:9 NLT

Most problems in life can be overcome by love. Love causes dissensions to be mended. Love prompts us to feed and clothe the poor. Love triggers us to serve others. Love moves us to do missions and evangelism. Love even makes us want to give more financially, offer forgiveness to others, sacrifice our time and put others above ourselves. Love is the greatest motivator; it transforms the heart from selfish to selfless. But what if we just don’t have that much love?

1 Thessalonians 4:9 gives hope to those of us who come up a little short in the love department. It reveals that God can teach us to love. Love is not so much an emotion to be experienced but an action to be taken. The greatest act of love in history was Christ on the cross. The good news for us is that the one who called Jesus to the cross can also teach and empower us to love others as He did.

Prayer Walk:

Would you ask Jesus today to increase your love for a person, neighbor, or group of people, for which you do not feel much love? Today on your prayer walk have an honest discussion with Jesus about your love for others, or lack thereof.

Ask Jesus to increase your love for “that person”, or “group of people”. Meditate on His great love for you and ask that it would flow through you to others. Pray that He would reveal areas in your life where you have been loving yourself over others. Ask God to teach you how to love others and give you the strength to serve them in love.

~  Day 8  ~

Read Ephesians 4:25-32

And be kind and compassionate to one another,
forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.”
Ephesians 4:32


One thing we all have in common is that we have all been hurt by other people. Others have said or done things that have hurt us. Sometimes we have been hurt by what someone said or by what they failed to say or do. The issue in life is not “will we be hurt” but “how will we respond when we are hurt by others?”

The Scripture passage for today sites several possible responses that often accompany the hurts we encounter: anger (verse 26), bitterness, wrath, malice (verse 31). When we identify these things in our lives we are challenged to “remove” or “put away” these things. In place of these negative responses we are called to choose the response of forgiveness instead.

Forgiveness is the way God has chosen to relate to us. Forgiveness is the way God encourages us to relate to each other. Forgiveness involves refusing to relate to the person out of anger and bitterness. Forgiveness means we choose to extend grace to the person who hurt or wronged us. When we forgive, we discover that there is amazing, life giving power in the act of forgiveness. Power to both the one who has been forgiven and to the one who does the forgiving.

The problem is, forgiveness may at times be too difficult for us to freely give away to our abuser. Yet if we withhold our forgiveness we are withholding life (ours and theirs).

The answer to our dilemma is found in Jesus. We must come to receive His endless strength to forgive others. When we come to Him honestly, acknowledging that we simply do not have the strength to whole heartedly forgive on our own, He enables us to do what we cannot do: FORGIVE! Often Jesus strength does not come to us until the moment we take the daunting step to forgive our abuser. But when we do Jesus is always faithful to pour into us the strength we need to continue His good path of forgiving others.


Prayer Walk:

On your prayer walk today, think about how much grace God has given you. If we understand the grace of God towards us, we can give grace to others more easily. Ask God to identify the presence of unforgiveness in your life. Maybe the presence of unforgiveness is painfully obvious to you. Maybe you feel like you just can’t forgive that one person. Confess to Jesus that you are too hurt and too sinful to forgive them on your own and ask Him for the strength to extend grace, remembering the grace He has given you. Ask God to be with you as you take a step of faith to offer that person forgiveness.

~  Day 7  ~

Read Romans 8:1-5


“For those who live according to the flesh think about the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, think about the things of the Spirit.” 
Romans 8:5

I love to sit on the couch with my television remote control flipping channels. On my remote there are several buttons, one for the cable box, those for the television, and those for Apple TV. Sometimes while I am watching TV, I will accidentally hit the wrong buttons

and then the remote will not control the TV. It takes me a moment to understand that I have by mistake touched the wrong button.

The text in Romans 8:5 reminds me that by nature we are controlled by sinful desires. That we are created a sinner is not unbelievable to us because it is so easy to live life as a sinner, right? The text also tells us that those controlled by the Spirit respond in a spiritual way. In a normal day as things happen around us, how we respond shows which we are controlled by; our sinful nature or our spiritual nature.

We must choose what controls us, whether sinful nature or spiritual nature. In our lives today we often speak before thinking and then we make the wrong selection of control.

How would your life be different if every day you chose to be controlled by your spiritual nature (Christ in you)?

Prayer Walk:

Ask Jesus to speak to you and guide you to revitalization of your spiritual life in Him. Talk to Jesus about where you set your mind, or in other words, what you think about most. Do you think on the things of the flesh? Or the things of the Spirit? Today on your prayer walk talk to Jesus about the volume of your thought life, about the things that you value. Then ask Jesus to help you make today a day where you chose to set your mind on Him.
~  Day 6  ~ 
Read Luke 22:39-46
“Father, if You are willing, take this cup away from Me,
nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” 
Luke 22:42


Jesus was fully God and fully man. In this passage, we see the humanity of Jesus as He struggles with the will of the Father in light of His imminent suffering and death. Jesus realized that in a few short hours He would carry the weight of the world’s sin in His body. The Scripture states that, “He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

As Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed with such
intensity that His “sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.”
(verse 44) On the one hand He wanted the Father to remove the cup of
suffering. On the other hand, He realized that same suffering and death
were necessary for the salvation of your precious soul and the fulfillment of the Father’s plan for Him to bring salvation to us. Therefore, He ultimately prayed, “Not my will but Yours be done.”

Above all Jesus wanted the will of the Father to be carried out in His life.

Prayer Walk:

Today on your prayer walk recognize that YOU are that precious soul Jesus went to the cross for. Maybe you have been focusing on your plans, agendas, and preferences. Jesus invites you to focus on His plan and to live in His will. Focus on God’s will as you walk. Focus on what you know about God’s will from the Bible (Do not focus on what you don’t yet know of God’s will. Focus on what you do know). Ask Jesus to help you say, “not my will but Yours be done” just like He did.
~  Day 5  ~
Read Galatians 5:22-26
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance:
against such there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)


As followers of Jesus we are to daily yield our lives to the control of the Holy Spirit. Verse 25 encourages us to “live by the Spirit” and “follow the Spirit.” The tangible evidence that the Holy Spirit is in control of our life is spiritual fruit. Just as an apple is the outward evidence of the inner reality that the tree is indeed… an apple tree. So it is with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. These “fruits” are the outward evidence that the Holy Spirit is in control of our lives.

When the Holy Spirit is in control, our lives will be characterized by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faith, gentleness and self-control. God’s plan is to produce these qualities in us as we yield to Him. When the Holy Spirit is not in control of our lives we are unloving, joyless, restless, impatient, unkind, and out of control.

This doesn’t mean we will always be perfect. But it does mean that these qualities will be the major character traits we exhibit. This is the fruit of walking with Jesus.

Prayer Walk:

 Is the fruit of the Spirit evident in your life? Do you want it to be? Today on your prayer walk talk with Jesus about the fruit in your life. Ask Jesus where you need to surrender control to Him. Ask Him to show you any areas of where you are still clutching for control. Ask Him to reveal what is holding you back. Ponder what it would feel like to trust Jesus completely, to rest in His power and ability. Then verbally commit to give Him control of these things. Jesus offers us a life filled with love, joy, peace, patience, and much more when we simply hand over the control to Him. He loves to help us. So ask!

~  Day 4  ~

Read Matthew 7:7-12


“Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you.”

Matthew 7:7
When Jesus says, “Ask and it will be given to you,” continual prayer is in view. Prayer is how we communicate our needs and desires to God. Of course, God, being omniscient, knows what Christians need whether they ask or not, but prayer is the means God has chosen to bring about those answers James 4:2b.

Jesus’s example in Matthew encourages us to do this by reminding us the conduct of good parents. No parent turns away his child with that which would be injurious. He would not give him a stone instead of bread, or a serpent instead of a fish. God is better and kinder than the most tender earthly parents; and with that confidence, may we come as His children, and ask what we need! Parents are imperfect, selfish, and sometimes partial; but God is free from all this! He is a good, good Father. He is ready and willing to aid us.

The Greek verbs “ask, seek, and knock” are expressed in a form that denotes continuous action. Jesus is literally saying, “Ask, and keep on asking. Seek, and keep on seeking. Knock, and keep on knocking.”

Prayer Walk:

Today on your prayer walk with Jesus enjoy coming to Him as your good, good Father. Enjoy coming to Him in continued, fervent prayer. Maybe you have situations in your life which you don’t know what to do. Ask Him for His guidance. Maybe you need His wisdom, ask! If you feel hopeless in your circumstances, seek Him for strength. He is a good Father. He loves when His children bring themselves to hear and receive from His good hand.
~  Day 3  ~
Read Exodus 33: 1-11
“The Lord spoke unto Moses face to face, as a man speaks unto His friend”
Exodus 33:11
This is one of my favorite verses! Why? Because it reveals a lot about God’s heart. In fact, the entire Old Testament’s recording of Moses leading the nation of Israel from Egypt into the Promised Land reveals a lot about God’s heart. In this epic story, we see that God did not want to simply RESCUE His people, God wanted to be WITH His people! There is a huge difference there. Moses saw the heart of God. Most of the people only saw the acts of God.

In Exodus 20 we read that the people told Moses, “You speak with us, and we will hear you; but let God not speak with us, lest we die.” And it says, “the people stood afar off”. But the Bible says, “The Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as unto a friend.”

Why are so many satisfied with their knowledge about God? Most of the Israelites knew about God but they didn’t truly know God. They did not chase after God’s heart like Moses did. Why? Well, they became so fixated on God’s blessing, the promised land, that they lost sight of God’s person. Boy did they miss out! The result was an impotent life spent wandering in the desert. Sadly, many are like that today too. A life without understanding who God is, without knowing God’s heart, is an empty, wandering life.

You were created to enjoy the intimate relationship God desires to have with you. The intimacy between Moses and God is the result of God’s pursuing love and Moses’ humble heart. The Israelites clung to their pride and felt entitled of God’s blessings. Moses was in awe of God and wanted to know Him more and more. Moses humbly served God, seeking God’s presence above all else. Result? God continually revealed more and more of Himself to Moses. This is the type of heart God loves. This is who God calls His friend.

Prayer walk:

How much of God do you want? Today on your prayer walk get honest with God. If repentance is needed, then talk with God about why you do not hunger and thirst for Him. Ask God to reveal more of Himself to you. Ask Him to show you His heart and pray that you would never become satisfied with your knowledge of who He is. To see even a glimpse of God’s heart will causes you to be in total awe. He is that attractive!

So, ask Jesus to give you an unquenchable thirst for His word and for His heart. Ask that He would give you the desire to choose Him over His blessings, over all. Enjoy coming to Him knowing that He wants to reveal who He is to you. He wants to be close to you.

~  Day 2  ~
Read Matthew 13:1-9


Still others fell on good ground and produced a crop:
some 100, some 60, and some 30 times what was  sown.”

Matthew 13:8

Jesus addressed a large crowd of people, telling a parable (an earthly story with a heavenly meaning) to talk about a person’s heart. As the farmer scattered seed, it fell along the path, on rocky ground, among thorns, and on good soil. Jesus desires for His followers to have hearts (soil) that yield a harvest.

What is the present condition of your heart? In Jesus’ parable, He talks about four kinds of soil (hearts):

1) A calloused heart. This person has simply hardened their heart to God.

2) A shallow heart. This person is immature in their faith. They simply do not know Jesus very well. It’s possible to be a mile wide and an inch deep.

3) A distracted heart. This person battles the worries of life, focuses on possessions and material things and is distracted by the deceitfulness of wealth.

4) A soft, teachable heart. This person lives his or her life to know Jesus and to fulfill His will / mission.


Prayer Walk:

To plant a garden, the ground (soil), must first be broken and prepared. This must be done on a regular basis (not just once). So it is with us. Today on your prayer walk with Jesus talk with Him about your heart. Ask Him to reveal places where your heart has become calloused, shallow, or distracted. Maybe you have just been too busy. That happens. Jesus can help you recognize where your heart needs maintenance.
The world we live in makes it easy to get caught up in the worries we have. It may be time to till the soil of your heart once again. Bring your heart to Jesus afresh and new today. Cry out to Him in appreciation for His abundant grace, His amazing love, and His willingness to forgive! He joyfully does all this so that you can grow and be fruitful in Him.
~  Day 1  ~
Read Matthew 13:53-58
“And He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief.”
Matthew 13:58
This is one of those verses in the Bible that make you say “Hmmmm.” In this account Jesus went into His hometown to teach. When people heard Him, they were astonished. However, their astonishment did not lead them to respond to His teaching in obedience and faith. Their lives could have been radically changed for the better. Their community could have been radically changed. However, no positive changes occurred in the people or the town of Nazareth. Why? The Scripture gives the reason, “Because of their unbelief.”

Unbelief shuts the door on the transformational power of Jesus. Faith opens the floodgates to that same transformational power. In contrast to this passage of Scripture are countless others where Jesus worked miracles in response to the faith present in the lives of people. (Optional reading Matthew 9:2; 9:22; 15:28; Mark 10:52; Luke 8:48)

When Jesus looks at your life what does He find? An attitude of faith? or unbelief? Do you believe Jesus can do a work of renewal and revitalization in your life? situation? church? Do you believe He will? Do you believe? Do you believe to the extent you are praying for Jesus to use you to bring renewal to your life? situation? church? community?


Prayer Walk: 

Today, on your prayer walk with Jesus, talk with Him about your faith and any unbelief that may have wormed its way into your life. Talk to Him about what real faith would look like in the situations you are dealing with. Ask Jesus to help you take a step of real faith today.