AB 957
This bill clarifies that a family court, when determining the best interest of the child in a proceeding to determine custody or visitation for a child, shall consider, as part of the consideration of the health, safety, and welfare of the child, a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity.
AB 223
This bill provides for specified records to be kept confidential by the courts
where minors petition for a change of gender and sex identifier, as specified.
AB 665
This bill concerns the mental health services of a minor and removes the requirement that children must be a danger to themselves or others,
or be alleged incest or abuse victims, before seeking care
without their parents’ consent.

Take Action against AB 957:

1. Pray for boldness to publicly stand firm against these bills that defy God’s ordinance of family.
2. Send an email stating your opposition to the Senate Standing Committee and Senator Catherine Blakespear.
a. You may use our template below or draft your own email. If you use the template, you may want to write your own first two sentences to introduce yourself.
b. Time is of essence! Please send your email ASAP.
3. Call Senator Catherine Blakespear at 916-651-4038 to request her
to vote “No” on AB 957.
We are asking the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) Board of Trustees to REJECT the proposed DEIB plan at this Wednesday’s meeting. In San Diego County and Nationwide, DEI programs have been used to promote dangerous Critical Race Theory (CRT) and aggressive Sexual ideologies upon children. The same thing will happen to our children if CUSD approves this dangerous DEI plan.

Take Action against this destructive DEI plan from coming to CUSD:

1. Send a personal email to the Carlsbad Unified School District (CUSD) Board of Trustees.
a. You may use our template below or draft your own email. If you use the template, you may want to write your own first two sentences to introduce yourself.
b. Time is of essence! Please send your email ASAP.
2. Attend the meeting this Wednesday, June 21st, 6:00PM (Please arrive early. Your attendance is important):  Sage Creek High School, 3900 Bobcat Blvd, Carlsbad, CA 92010.