Before He was betrayed, arrested, tried and killed Jesus turned to His Father in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. Although Jesus’ disciples thought they would stand by His side, even Peter denied Jesus and was prone to sin. Victory at Gethsemane came not by force or wit, but instead Jesus shows us the important of prayer.
Through prayer God gives us power and strength and it is here Jesus lives out obedience under agony. For the first time in all eternity the Trinity was conflicted. Although Jesus asks for the cup to pass, God’s wrath must be satisfied because He is just, holy and sin cannot go unpunished. Life is not a fairy tale and God is not magic.
Jesus will have victory at Gethsemane because He submits to His Father’s will. Our salvation was contingent upon Jesus obediently going to the cross. Gethsemane reveals the depth of Jesus’ sorrow, the intensity of Jesus’ prayer (not what I want, but what God wants) and the strength of Jesus’ resolve. Why would Jesus allow His own Son to endure such a terrible trial and death? Why do we go through such hardship? Some blessings God cannot give us until we are mature enough to contain the blessings.
God’s blessings cannot take us where our character cannot hold us.
Our victory is found in prayer and it is in prayer where God develops our character to align our will with His. Be encouraged Christian, there is power in prayer and our salvation is secure in Jesus alone who is faithful.